Tuesday, June 20, 2006
what a nice weather this morning.
the word God has given me for the camp is not spirit-filled or wat. but the word God has given since that time until my com crashed until camp is a new start. a new start. God gave me a second chance to start anew. well. starting anew is not easy. it has been one week plus since that camp, i admit that the past still come back to me. but he is with me.
Isaish 43:18 Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
I'll do it with ya spirit in my life.
haha! God is good! something happened. i was very very scared. there's two options to solve it. was choosing between these two options when God pop the third options into my mind. then i met up luan. account to her. it was hard. but as i obey God. God blessed me! hhaha!
the word of God sets me free.